
Friday, March 18, 2022

Replacing Some Amazing Cards

 I decided to revisit and update one of my completed projects recently, my Album of Amazing. There were some cards in that album that I wasn't happy with. Sure, they're great cards, but I feel that there were other cards out there more deserving to be part of the album. This past week I purchased 7 new cards to add to the album. Without further adieu, here they are.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Daniel Corcino Auto

I picked this card up a few months back and was waiting until today to show it off. Did you know that on June 17, 2012 Corcino, along with pitcher Wilkin De La Rosa threw the first no-hitter in the history of the Reds Double A Team, the Pensacola Blue Wahoos? Corcino also had a stint with the Wei Chuan Dragons of the Chinese Professional Baseball League in 2021. I love that Corcino is sporting the St. Patrick's uniform on this card. Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Half empty or half full?

It's always nice to know as a collector that once you hit the halfway mark of a set or any other goal you set out to achieve that once you hit the halfway mark then it should be all downhill from there. Of course, more often than not, collecting is like running a marathon. You have to be in it for the long haul and while it can be daunting at times and seem nearly impossible, once you acquire that last card then you realize the accomplishment you've achieved. Today, I crossed the halfway mark on my Votto Parallel Universe project. I now have 45 of the 90 cards I'm chasing for this project. Card number 45 is this 2019 Topps Chrome Indigo box topper numbered out of 150. I'm not sure what number in the print run it is since I still need to receive it in the mail, but it's definitely a nice card and can't wait for it to arrive. I also don't have all the photos listed on the project page since they're currently in my COMC inventory and I don't want to use a picture with their watermark on it. I'll be content to wait until I have those in hand before I post those pictures. It's been a fun project to tackle so far and I can't wait to see what other Votto cards I can add to this.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Glad There's Only One!

For the past couple of years Topps had a tendency of including two or more Reds short prints in their series 1 release. That made it a pain to try and track those down for my Reds Team sets just because they normally set me back $20 or more a piece. That adds up after a while. Don't even get me started on the super short prints. Luckily, this year Topps only had one Reds short print included but it was a doozy since Votto has had a resurgence among some collectors and the price of his cards have gone up considerable...even for new release product. Thankfully I know have this card in hand and won't have to worry about trying to track down any more short prints until series 2 is released. Of course, the way things are going with the players and the owners right now I wonder if there will be a series 2.