
Friday, July 27, 2012

Bronze Nuxy

This is one of my most favorite stadium giveaways I have in my collection. The Reds gave out 30,000 of these bronze beauties on June 10, 2008 when the Reds were defeated by the Cardinals 7-2 The only highlight in that game for the Reds was a Votto home run in the bottom of the fourth inning. The Nuxhall giveaway represents a smaller version of the statue that can be found outside the main entrance to the stadium (along with Ernie Lombardi, Frank Robinson and Ted Kluszewski). Nuxhall made his major league debut with the Reds on June 10, 1944 giving up five runs before being relieved after a third of an inning in the ninth. He spent 15 of his 16 years in the majors with the Reds and was a two time all-star. After retiring from the field he began announcing games for Cincinnati. In 1974 he teamed up with Marty Brennaman to become one of the most memorable announcer pairings in Reds history. He retired from broadcasting in 2004, but continued to make guest appearances prior to his death on November 15, 2007.


  1. that is awesome. One thing I've missed moving away from Ohio was the opportunity for some of these giveaways - that's the nicest one I've seen.

    1. I'm hoping to get the bronze Sparky Anderson statue they gave out a few years ago. That would complement the Nuxhall perfectly.

  2. I was in Cooperstown last weekend and one of the card shops had that on a table outside. I immediately grabbed it and bought it. I paid $15 for it, and I most certainly would have paid more, I love it!

    1. WOW! Talk about a steal! I think I paid a little over $30 for mine. They're getting much more difficult to find.
