Monday, April 12, 2021

Getting a Mask for the Man Cave

With COVID still raging around the country, I'm hopeful that things will get back to "normal" later this year. I'm scheduled to get my second vaccination this Wednesday and by the beginning of May our household will be completely vaccinated. I've been wanting to purchase a mask for my man cave for quite some time but never got around to it. That changed last week when I found this listed on eBay. Granted it's no N95, but I think it's a fantastic addition and it's red! Now I just need to find a place to put it. I'm thinking about placing it with the various baseball gloves I've acquired but not sure yet. On the card front, I've been working on a couple of projects and I'll probably post an update soon about what I've been doing but for now make sure you keep wearing a mask in public.